Saturday, June 30, 2007

Second meeting

Many of you came to the first meeting. Thanks to you!

In case you missed it, don’t worry, there will be another one on Tuesday (3rd of August) at 13:00, again in the lecture theatre 211, Nart Bodhiprasart building, Faculty of Architecture at Chulalongkorn.

Once again Pete will be representing the rest of us and explaining what we have in mind for the workshop. That’s gonna be the last chance to meet him in person before the deadline for the applications!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Workshop applications & introduction meeting

The first applications have started coming in. Thanks to those who applied early! Keep them coming. The deadline for submissions is the 10th of July. Remember to submit the form (not just save it) before then. Don't hesitate to contact us at if you have problems or doubts, or if you lost the link to your saved form.

On Friday June 29th, Pete will come to Chulalongkorn to give a brief introduction to what the workshop and the project are all about. It's a great chance to clear any doubts you might have before you apply. More details to follow.

Monday, June 18, 2007

DesignEd workshop เริ่มรับสมัครแล้ว

DesignEd workshop
เ ริ่ ม รั บ ส มั ค ร แ ล้ ว
ขอเชิญชวน นิสิตที่อยู่ในข่ายของโครงการนี้ คือ
ไอดี (ปี2 ถึง ปี5) สน. (ปี4-5)
ผังเมือง (ปี4+ป.โท) urban design (ป.โท )

สมัครเพื่อรับคัดเลือกเข้าโครงการ DesigEd workshop

(อ่านว่า ดีซายเอ็ด เวิร์คชอป)

หลักสูตร Master of European Design
ซึ่งมาจากสถาบันอุดมศึกษาทางด้านการออกแบบชั้นนำ 6 แห่ง ในยุโรป
กับภาควิชาการออกแบบอุตสาหกรรม คณสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาฯ
รับจำนวนจำกัด 25 คนเท่านั้น
ใ ค ร ดี ใ ค ร ไ ด้ ?
เข้ามาได้แล้วจะได้อะไร? อ่านได้ที่
คลิก why join
สมัครได้ที่ เหมือนกัน
คลิก how to join
วันอังคาร 3 กค. 12.00 ที่ไอดี และ

วันศุกร์ 6 กค. 12.00 ที่ สถ.
พีท พนาสุภณ หัวเรือใหญ่ของ DesignEd team
จะบินตรงจาก Helsinki มา brief ให้คนที่สนใจฟังว่า
DesignEd นี่มันมีดีอย่างไรเหรอ
ระหว่างนี้สงสัย ถาม อ. เถกิง/กุลธิดา/ม่อน (ไอดี) อ.เสก (สน.)

อ.จิตติศักดิ์ (UD) อ.ไขศรี/นิรมล (ผังเมือง)

ไม่สมัครได้ยังไง ฮึ ???

Saturday, June 9, 2007

DesignEd website update and application details

We just published the new version of the DesignEd website. We hope it will answer most of the questions you have about the workshop.

The application form is now available. The deadline for the application is in one month, on the 10th of July. You will find more details about the application procedure on the website.

Please don’t hesitate to comment or ask further questions on this weblog or on the main DesignEd weblog, or by emailing us.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Three E's of Luxury

Luxury can be categorized into three E's:

Everyday Luxury: the kind of luxury that we take for granted because it is available to us all the time

Extraordinary Luxury: the kind of luxury that is quite nice to have once in a while

Excessive Luxury: the kind of luxury that is perceived as being unnecessry

Of course, these are based on personal points of view. To have coriander in the fridge at home in Thailand is such a normal thing - not even an everyday luxury; but to have a bit of coriander in the fridge in Finland is really an extraordinary event worth celebrating!

What is your perception of the three E's of luxury? This topic will be mentioned in the application form for the DesignEd workshop. Visit for more information.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

What About the Thai New Luxury?

The current seemingly endless clashes of opposite values within Thai society force us who work in universities ... to ask the right questions and propose well-informed and well-thought solutions.
As design experts, our solutions may not contribute directly to rescuing the ailing Thai politics and economics. But as one of the country's most established academic communities, we are very much expected to act as critical thinkers; and we as representatives of 'THE UNIVERSITY' cannot deny our responsibilities to lead our society intellectually, least in terms of design and culture at large.

Future Luxury

New Faces of Italian and American Luxury

From Kulthida and Khaisri

This blog is the space to cultivate thoughts,
to share ideas before participating in the workshop

Definitions of luxury that may differ and depend on individual experiences
For me, luxury means something comfortable beyond expectation and soul pleasing.

Wikipedia defines luxury as follows: ' a material object, service, etc., conducive to sumptuous living, usually a delicacy, elegance, or refinement of living rather than a necessity '


Kulthida T.

Definition of Luxury from

new luxury?

first, i think of what poor and under-priviledged people would get after being on aired with 'khon-khon-khon' thai's tv programme. i.e. puYen (grandfater Yen).

Khaisri P.

Grandpa Yen Robbed
ปู่เย็น แก้วมณี ... เฒ่าทรนง แห่ง ลุ่มน้ำเพชรบุรี
Grandpa Yen on a TVC

Monday, June 4, 2007

Design Ed Workshop

Design Ed Workshop
จะจัดขึ้นในวันที่ 27กรกฎาคม-6สิงหาคม โดยจะมีกลุ่มนักศึกษา(MEDes: Master of European Design)เดินทางมาจากยุโรปมาร่วม workshop

หัวข้อสำหรับworkshopในครั้งนี้ก็คือ "New Luxury?"- What do you think is New Luxury? How do our ideas of Luxury differ? Are there cultural reasons? How can we make a difference?